The Summer Times – February 14, 2019
The National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) promotes and supports key public investments that improve...

116th Congress Legislative Priorities
The benefit of summer programs is well-documented, and support for public funding to back...

The Summer Times – January 16, 2019
Happy New Year! I hope you were able to enjoy a bit of downtime...

NSLA Strategic Plan: Every Kid. Every Summer.
A National Vision In this new strategic plan, the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA)...

Getting to Work on Summer Learning: Recommended Practices for Success, 2nd ed.
This report updates earlier guidance to school district leaders interested in launching summer learning...

The Summer Times – December 13, 2018
Did you know the summer learning field is grounded in more than 100 years...

Summer Opportunities: A Research Agenda
The summer learning field is grounded in more than 100 years of research about summer...

The Summer Times – November 28, 2018
Applications for the 2019 Summer Learning Awards are open now! The deadline to apply...

2018 New York Life Foundation Excellence in Summer Learning Awards
The 2018 New York Life Foundation Excellence in Summer Learning and Founder’s Awards honor...