Scholastic Education Webinar: 7 Strengths for These Challenging Times – March 25, 2020
Join Scholastic Education for this Free Webinar, Wednesday, March 25, 2020 | 1:00 PM...

Getting to Work on Summer Learning: Recommended Practices for Success, 2nd ed.
This report updates earlier guidance to school district leaders interested in launching summer learning...

Making Summer Last: Integrating Summer Programming into Core District Priorities and Operations
Introducing a high-quality summer learning program in a school district requires effort. So does...

Summer Learning Literacy Assessments
In this resource, you will learn about the impact of summer learning loss on...

Libraries at the Center of Summer Learning and Fun
This online toolkit is designed to provide you with the resources, ideas and strategies...

Learning from Summer: Effects of Voluntary Summer Learning Programs on Low-Income Urban Youth
A groundbreaking study finds high-quality summer learning programs benefit high-attending students in math and...

Summer School and Reading Proficiency
Research in Brief – Summer reading has emerged as a key component of state legislation...

Ready for Fall? Near-Term Effects of Voluntary Summer Learning Programs on Low-Income Students’ Learning Opportunities
The first set of student outcome findings from Wallace’s National Summer Learning Project finds...