Co-Presenters: MENTOR, SCOPE, PASE (Partnership for Afterschool Education)
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According to the C.D.C., mental health-related hospital emergency department visits, between March and October 2020 rose 24 percent for children ages five to eleven and 31 percent among adolescents ages 12 to 17 when compared to the same period in 2019. With a pandemic, a recession, and national racial unrest, the social-emotional health of America’s students has never been more important. Explore how out-of-school programs are uniquely positioned to develop a common vision and quality practices for social-emotional learning, along with what it looks like in advancing equity and culturally relevant teaching and learning experiences.
Featured Speakers:
- David Shapiro, Chief Executive Officer, The National Mentoring Partnership, MENTOR
- Dawn Ewing, Executive Director, Project Morry
- Jon Fortt, Co-anchor, CNBC’s “Squawk Alley” and Founder of The Black Experience in America: The Course
- Roberto Gil, Deputy Director of Camping, Fresh Air Fund
- Pam Gregory, President & CEO, Princeton-Blairstown Center
- Lauren McCabe, Assistant Director & Emotional Learning, Boston After School & Beyond
- Deborah Moroney, Vice President, American Institutes for Research
- Sam Obeid, Program Director, ANYTOWN®, Community Tampa Bay
- Kim Howard Robinson, Managing Director, Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality
- Dudney Sylla, Program Director, MENTOR