Summer is an opportune time for all youth to strengthen their academic and social-emotional skills to succeed in the school-year classroom. Yet, for older youth, summer is much more than that. It is also an exceptional time to develop key career skills and gain vitally-important exposure to jobs in high-growth industries that align with their interests. For employers and educators, summer is the season to create pathways toward improved workforce opportunities to meet the needs of our economy.
The National Summer Learning Association's (NSLA) Summer Jobs and Youth Employment PLC is comprised of individuals representing myriad youth-serving organizations. Our goal is to create pathways of opportunity for all youth and employers.
Planned, led, and facilitated by National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) program staff, the PLC:
We welcome all stakeholders in the areas of youth workforce development, and summer youth employment, including program providers, businesses, libraries, and educational entities.
PLC Team Leader
Dawn Hill , NSLA Field Consultant
Youth Programs & Business Partnerships Manager
City of Charlotte
Email Dawn at to learn how to join the PLC.
Through the elimination of barriers comes growth and opportunity. Join us as we take an interactive look at training programs that go beyond next level, including:
Real Programs are only as good as their positive habits. Join us for an interactive discussion on the habits of highly-effective workforce programs. Hear from the pros during our meeting and discuss ongoing management and learning tools to improve an organization's effectiveness.
Tech giants help us figure out how to use their powers to harness the best technology for our programs and the youth we serve. Meet representatives from Microsoft and Google.