School Districts Leaders

Working Together to Tap the Power of Summer Learning

The pandemic’s impact on youth is startling. We know that by the end of the 2020–21 academic year, students on average were five months behind in math and four months behind in reading , and the U.S. Surgeon General has raised a flag on young people’s mental health. This PLC is comprised of school district members and national partners committed to a broad vision for summer learning - one that engages more children and youth, boosts academic achievement, and influences teaching and learning throughout the year. We envision a future where school districts and schools include summer learning and enrichment as part of a 12-month plan for learning.

The purpose of this PLC is to work closely with community partners and school districts to close this critical opportunity gap to ensure that all young people have access to high-quality summer learning experiences that help them succeed in college, career, and in life.

Planned, led, and facilitated by NSLA Field Consultants, the PLC:

• Shares best practices, hear, and respond to latest thinking and come together for knowledge,

professional renewal and growth

• Holds quarterly training meetings and one in-person all day retreat at NSLA’s Annual Conference in Washington DC

• Covers key topics such as: Family & Community Outreach, Social-Emotional Learning, Policy, and Partnerships

Who Should Join this PLC?

Administrators from school districts and youth-serving programs who seek best practices and resources on how to provide high-quality summer learning experiences to reduce learning loss and inequities.

Join Our PLC Today!

PLC Team Leader: Mashona Council