College Access Professional Summer Learning Community

Supporting the Pathway Builders

The National Summer Learning Association’s (NSLA) College Access and Summer Melt PLC explores issues of opportunity, community, and partnership in the college access field. Join college access and career success practitioners from across the country in three virtual convenings (60-90 minutes), plus the opportunity to join a fourth meet-up at the NSLA Conference in October in Washington, DC. According to the U.S. Department of Education, about 10 to 20 percent of college eligible students experience summer melt, most of which are BIPOC students living in communities that have been under-resourced. “Summer melt” refers to the phenomenon of the “melting away” of high school graduates’ desire to register and attend college, even after being accepted.

The National Summer Learning Association’s (NSLA) College Access and Summer Melt PLC provides a supportive cohort for college access programs by sharing wins, challenges, and discussing the peril and promise of the space.

Working collectively we:

  • Provide learning, and networking opportunities to college access staff across the U.S.
  • Hold quarterly virtual training meetings and one in-person, all-day retreat at NSLA’s annual conference in Washington DC
  • Explore key topics such as: Technical & SEL Supports, Best Practices, Program Design, Managing Staff,Organizational Policy, and Partnerships

Who Should Join the College Access PLC?

Staff practitioners charged with developing, delivering, and managing programs in the college access space at the high school and college levels.

Join our PLC! Email Sarah to learn how to join the PLC at:

NSLA Field Consultant and PLC Team Leader, Esteban Olivares