NSLA's NYLI is a leadership training program for student and staff leaders, many of whom have won our Summer Learning Award. NYLI offers a chance for them to come together to share best practicesand NYLI coincides with National Summer Learning week, and each day there is a special focus such as STEM, Literacy, Arts, Health, and more.

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National Youth Leadership Institute

NSLA aims to improve the lives of America’s most vulnerable students by promoting the importance of the critical summer months when achievement and opportunity gaps grow most significantly between lower and higher income students.
As part of that mission, NSLA has created the National Youth Leadership Institute (NYLI), a showcase of the best exemplars of high impact curriculum and program partners. NYLI brings together students and staff from NSLA’s award winning programs around the country to Washington, DC for a week-long celebration of summer learning.
  • Programs are invited to nominate one rising 9th-12th grader and one staff member to attend the Institute July 15-19, 2024 in Washington, DC during Summer Learning Week.
  • Housing and conference will all be held at the beautiful and historic campus of The American University, providing each participant with safety and convenience. Transportation to and from DC, housing, and meals for the week will be provided.
  • NSLA will offer networking and leadership development opportunities for staff.Click here to nominate a student and staff member. For more information, email info@summerlearning.org

2023 NYLI Highlights Video

Watch our NYLI class of 2023 highlights here!

Special thanks to our 2024 NYLI Sponsors & Program Partners for their investment in our young people and generosity in our mission.

2024 National Summer Learning Week Sponsors:

  • New York Life Foundation
  • STEM Next Opportunity Fund (Officially STEM)
  • AT&T
  • C.S. Mott Foundation
  • The Wallace Foundation
  • Clear Channel Outdoor
  • iHeart Media

2024 National Youth Leadership Institute & Youth Scholarship Sponsors:

  • JED Foundation
  • San Francisco Human Rights Commission
  • ProSolve
  • Google

2024 National Youth Leadership Institute Program Partners:

  • The Happiness Advantage / Orange Frog
  • School's Out Washington
  • Seeds of Peace