2023 registration information coming soon!
To join our mailing list, please email us at info@summerlearning.org
Interested in sponsoring, exhibiting or becoming a Summer Learning Champion for 2023? Be sure to view our prospectus and please email Christi Kobus Rokicki, Vice President of External Affairs at crokicki@summerlearning.org
Thank you to the 1,000 Education and Youth Development leaders who joined us for our 2022 National Conference in Washington, DC!
The inspiring and informative gathering featured 100 sessions with senior level, cross sector leaders supporting youth through their positions with local school districts, state education agencies, nonprofit organizations and intermediaries, youth serving government entities, corporations, foundations, research institutions, media and policymakers.
About NSLA's National Conference 2022
Today’s youth have extraordinary opportunities to learn and thrive in summer learning programs. From exploring nature's wonders at a local park, to forging lifelong friendships at sleep-away camps, change-making experiences happen in the summer.
What will we do to make summer learning possible?
Join the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) and leaders from across the country at the 2023 national conference on October 9-11 in Washington, DC. Join 1,000 cross-sector leaders focused on summer will be attending, including:
- Summer learning program directors and board members - School district administrators - Leaders from mayor’s offices, city councils and county boards - Parks and recreation administrators - Housing advocates - Librarians - Health advocates for physical and mental well-being - Researchers and evaluators
- Summer youth employment leaders - And anyone who wants youth to thrive!
We are unwavering in our commitment to Promote Equity, Create Opportunity, and Build Community.
Register Today Exhibitor/ Sponsor/Summer Champion Prospectus Featured Speakers Schedule At-a-Glance Hotel and Travel Register as an Exhibitor Summer Learning Champion Sponsorship
For general conference information, contact the NSLA conference team at NSLAconference@summerlearning.org