In 2018, the United Way of Greater Atlanta and the Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network (GSAN) commissioned the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) to conduct a landscape assessment of summer learning programs in the Atlanta region. This report summarizes key data points from that assessment.

Across Greater Atlanta, children and youth are being served by private and public entities that offer academic, STEM, literacy, health and wellness, social-emotional, sports, and arts programming. Persistent gaps in educational outcomes still exist between low-income students and their more affluent peers. Of the 1.3 million children living in the Greater Atlanta region, nearly half a million children live in communities with low or very low child well-being. Nearly a quarter of them are living in poverty. Less than half of 3rd graders are exceeding 3rd grade reading standards and less than half of 8th graders are exceeding 8th grade math standards, while only 80% of high school students are graduating.

This report highlights the findings of a community assessment of the Greater Atlanta region’s summer learning landscape during 2018. The assessment offers a snapshot of existing summer programs, including data on youth served and types of programming offered. Additionally, a self-assessment of Greater Atlanta’s summer learning system was completed by key partners. Together these assessments create an opportunity to learn more about the range of summer opportunities available, gaps in services or data, and steps that can be taken to increase region-wide impact.

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