TheCouncil of Chief State School Officers(CCSSO) in partnership with theNational Summer Learning Association(NSLA) and with support fromThe Wallace Foundation, provide universal technical assistance and supports to states through informational webinars and are working with a small network of states, the State Summer Learning Network, to support education agency leaders and their partner organizations committed to implementing a broad vision for equity in summer learning. Together, states are working to advance summer quality program standards and positive youth development practices that can be applied across districts and integrated into the school year and elevating best practices in summer learning to ensure a focus on equity and excellence.

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Other Resources on this Topic

SSLS Summer Learning and Out-of-School Time Resource Guide

Download these helpful resources provided by partner organizations during NSLA’s Summer Solutions Leadership Series, November... read more

The Summer Playbook for PTA and School Leaders

PTAs and schools are key to linking parents to vital summer learning opportunities that can... read more

State Education Agencies Playbook

The National Summer Learning Association is delighted to partner with the Council of Chief State... read more